This series follows a young American girl, Ellie Brown, as she follows her dream to join the Royal Ballet School. The stories are set at the prestigious Royal Ballet School Lower School in London, and I had a wonderful time going to meet some of the talented, dedicated students there, and watching them dance. Truly inspiring!
I wrote this series under a pen name – Alexandra Moss. There are currently six books in this series, published by Scholastic UK, and two further titles which will be published in the US.

Book 1: Ellie’s Chance to Dance

When Ellie moves from Chicago to London, everything about her life changes – she has a new school, new friends, a new ballet teacher and, most exciting of all, the chance to study full-time at the world-famous Royal Ballet School…


Book 2: Lara’s Perfect Performance

Ellie can’t understand why Lara’s being so mean – OK, so Ellie knocked her over in their all-important Final Audition for the Royal Ballet School, but it was an accident! It looks like Lara will never forgive Ellie…Or could her black mood be hiding something else?


Book 3: Belle’s Best Move

Ellie and her friends are looking forward to meeting the new girl who’s come to the Royal Ballet School. But Isabelle isn't pleased to meet them. She hates England, and she’s desperate to be back at her French ballet school… Can Belle make the change?


Book 4: Naomi’s New Step

Ellie is over the moon when she finds out that she passed her appraisal – it’s like the scariest exam ever, because it evaluates whether or not she can stay at the Royal Ballet School. But not everyone has got what it takes…


Book 5: Kate’s Special Secret

Ellie and her friends are so excited when they find out that two world-famous dancers are coming to give a masterclass to six lucky Royal Ballet School students. But Kate’s behaving strangely, and her dancing is suffering. Surely she’d confide in her friends if something was wrong – wouldn't she?


Book 6: Grace’s Show of Strength

It’s almost the end of the first year at the Royal Ballet School, and all the students are preparing for the annual Summer Performance. Ellie’s concerned about Grace, though. She’s so stressed out about it! Is there anything Ellie can do to help?